Monday 3 June 2013

Our Calendar

Skirts & Tales Calendar

7th June – Printing activity at Gilcomstoun Primary led by S&T

Mask making workshop led by Sammy with support from Linsay and Alice. 10.45 – 12.15

We will also split the group in two so that while Sammy, Alice, and Linsay are at the school, the remainder of the group (Ann, Naomi, Charlene) can meet with the 16+ and tell them the story, explain the project, and hopefully begin to work on some lettering for the train. That way, they will know much more about us and feel more comfortable on the design day when they help us pick images for t-shirts/train. 10.30 – 12pm

14th June – Design Day

All the images and lettering we’ve collected so far from the children and the 16+ group will be looked at. We’ll use them to inspire a t-shirt design as well as a train design. These images will be given to Lloyd to print in time for the parade. 10am – 1pm.

15th June – Willow Day

Our third willow session will be from 11am – 3pm at Rosemount. We’ll work on the big skirt we’ve already started and try to also make 3 smaller ones.

21st June – Peacock Printing Day

This will be a printing day at Peacock and will be a chance for the S&T team as well as the 16+ group to have a go at screen-printing. 11.15am.

Then meeting every Friday morning at Rosemount Community Centre until Parade Day on July 27th. If you fancy popping in to give us a hand you are most welcome! There will be plenty to do!